DBIx::Class πŸ’‘s

Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt


Orlando, Florida

2014 June 24, 10:00

"lightbulb-idea.jpg" by r. nial bradshaw, CC2.0

(blah blah hiring blah)


Deobfuscating the Basics πŸ’‘

Deobfuscating the Basics πŸ’‘

Bunch of Tables (or views, for the pedants)
Query !!!
Table (...)
less common, but: Storage
Your RDBMS (theoretically could be shared)


Definition via ::Schema::Loader

Definition via ::Schema::Loader

  1. Create DB with DDL or tool
  2. Generate DBIC Schema with ::Schema::Loader
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 'make_schema_at';
make_schema_at( 'My::Schema',
    { debug => 1, dump_directory => './lib' },
    [ 'dbi:Pg:dbname="foo"', 'myuser', 'mypassword' ],

Definition via ::SL - hints

  1. Name tables and columns consistently
  2. Create FK's
  3. sl_table_moniker
  4. (No more ::SL, I don't use it much)

Definition via Perl

Definition via Perl - Schema

Definition via Perl - Schema

package My::Schema; use 5.20.0; use warnings;

our $VERSION = 1;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';

   default_resultset_class => 'ResultSet',


Definition via Perl - Result

Definition via Perl - Result Base Class

Optional, but a good idea

package My::Schema::Result;

use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core';

   'Helper::Row::RelationshipDWIM', # shorter slides


Definition via Perl - Candy Base Class

Definition via Perl - Candy Base Class

Super Optional, but good for slides

package My::Schema::Candy;

use 5.20.0;
use warnings;

use parent 'DBIx::Class::Candy';

sub base { 'My::Schema::Result' }
sub perl_version { 20 }
sub autotable { 1 }


Definition via Perl - Result Class

package My::Schema::Result::Device;

use My::Schema::Candy;

primary_column id => {
   data_type => 'int',
   is_auto_increment => 1,

column type_id => { data_type => 'int' };

column name => {
   data_type => 'varchar',
   size      => 128,

column last_checkin => {
   data_type   => 'datetime',
   is_nullable => 1,

column is_enabled => { data_type => 'bit' };

has_many computer_device_links => '::Computer_Device', 'device_id';
belongs_to type => '::DeviceType', 'type_id';

unique_constraint name_and_type => [qw(name type_id)];


Deobfuscating Relationships πŸ’‘

Deobfuscating Relationships πŸ’‘

the only real thing modeled in DDL
"Album"."artist_id" β†’ "Artist"."id"

album belongs to artist

non-undef accessor*

*caveat because users are liars and databases are theives

other side of belongs to
"Artist"."id" β†’ "Album"."artist_id"

artist has many albums

RS accessor


Deobfuscating Relationships πŸ’‘

same as has_many but zero or one (rare)
"Artist"."id" β†’ "PreviousName"."artist_id"

artist might have a previous name

Natalie Portman's Shaved Head β†’ Brite Futures

undefable accessor

same as has_many but exactly one (more rare)
(first_album) "Artist"."id" β†’ "Album"."artist_id"

artist has one first album

non-undef accessor*

*caveat because ...

Deobfuscating Relationships πŸ’‘

Deobfuscating Relationships πŸ’‘

not a rel, more than one layer of joins
only adds methods to result, very limiting
"Artist"."id" β†’ "Artist_Label"."artist_id", "Artist_Label"."label_id" β†’ "Label"."id"

artist many_to_many labels

minimal sugar

Definition via Perl - ResultSource

  1. Represents table or view
  2. Defined entirely as a side effect of the Result Class definition above
  3. (Or the other way around)

Definition via Perl - ResultSet Base

Again, good to make a base class:
package My::Schema::ResultSet; use 5.20.0; use warnings;
use parent 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
   'Helper::ResultSet::Me', # slides

Definition via Perl - ResultSet

package My::Schema::ResultSet::Device; use 5.20.0; use warnings;
use parent 'My::Schema::ResultSet';
sub search_by_name { $_[0]->search({ $_[0]->me . name => $_[1] }) }
sub enabled { $_[0]->search({ $_[0]->me . is_enabled => 1 }) }
sub find_by_name { $_[0]->search_by_name($_[1])->single }
me ~~ csa (important)

DBIC Usage - ResultSet

DBIC Usage - ResultSet

Searching πŸ’‘

Searching πŸ’‘

say $_->name for
   ->search({ 'me.name' => 'phone' })->all 
say $_->name for

Searching πŸ’‘

say $_->name for

Rel Traversal πŸ’‘

Rel Traversal πŸ’‘



   'me.id' => { -in => $location_rs->get_column('id')->as_query },

Prefetch vs Join πŸ’‘

Prefetch vs Join πŸ’‘

Columns vs Select/As

Columns vs Select/As


Allows super fast bulk insertion into the database; we've even found it can usually outperform naΓ―ve DBI based insertion

What really hits the DB πŸ’‘

Extensions You'll Need


Row Extensions

  • DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::OnColumnChange
  • DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ProxyResultSetMethod
  • DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ProxyResultSetUpdate
  • DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::RelationshipDWIM
  • DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ToJSON
  • DBIx::Class::TimeStamp
  • DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn
  • ResultSet Extensions

    Schema Extensions


    Correlated Subqueries

    (see Set Based DBIC)

    Augmented Inflation

    Augmented Inflation

    package My::Schema::ResultClass::ComputerWithMacros;
    use Moo;
    use warnings NONFATAL => 'all';
    use Lynx::Macro;
    use My::Schema::Result::Computer;
    has schema => (
       is => 'ro',
       required => 1,
    has wmp => (
       is => 'ro',
       lazy => 1,
       init_arg => undef,
       builder => '_build_wmp',
    sub _build_wmp { Lynx::Macro->new(schema => $_[0]->schema) }
    has _macros => (
       is => 'ro',
       lazy => 1,
       init_arg => undef,
       builder => '_build_macros',
    sub _build_macros {
       return +{
          map { lc $_->{from} => $_ }
             'me.from' => { -not_like => "%[%]%" },
          }, {
             result_class => '::HRI',
    sub inflate_result {
       my ($self, $src, $data, $prefetch) = @_;
       unless (defined $prefetch->{_macro}[0]{to}) {
          if (my $macro = $self->_macros->{lc $data->{name}}) {
             $prefetch->{_macro} = [$macro]
          } elsif (my $wc_macro = $self->wmp->choose_macro($data->{name})) {
             $prefetch->{_macro} = [$wc_macro]
       My::Schema::Result::Computer->inflate_result($src, $data, $prefetch)

    Oh man transactions!

    Oh man transactions!

    See Lynx::License->check_action

