2017-12-09 — Colombia Nariño Rio Juanambú

Roast Date: 9 Dec 2017
Duration: 12m5s
First Crack @ 9m11s
Rating: ★★★☆☆
1.2lb → 0.996lb; 17% Weight Loss

Sweet Maria’s

(From Google Cache:)

The dry fragrance of Juanambú has a butter toffee nut smell to it, City and City+ roasts offer caramel/toffee overtones, with roasted almond and black walnut smells underneath. The level of sweetness is prominent in the wet aroma, a scent of fresh baked cinnamon rolls with white icing, and a strong note of caramelizing sugars. The cup has raw sugar sweetness that comes off in layers; dark brown sugar, vanilla caramels, malt syrup, and honeyed hints. At City there is a lemon vibrance that intensifies as the cup cools, tart, and tea-like, and subtle fruited notes of golden raisin and date pieces pop up. The finish is sweet in the short run, shifting to a long bittersweet end. This bittersweetness is more dominant in Full City roasts, but the sweet side of this equation is really hard to beat, let alone eclipse. I loved the brightness and fruit notes captured in our light roasts, but this is also a great option for those looking for coffees suited for 2nd snaps. Juanambú is made up of really dense beans (as a result of cultivar and altitude) that can handle high heat without issue.

Roast Notes

Four minutes of preheating the bucket again. Significant weight loss and much faster than last time.


Acidity: Acidic bite right at the beginning. Hard to pull it apart from “Colombian”-flavored.

Sweetness: I am not at this time detecting any sweetness.

Mouthfeel: Surprisingly oily.

Flavor: This has a weird coppery flavor. Like stewed fruit with blood or something.

Finish: Incredibly light finish given how powerful the main flavor is.

Balance: I would call this a success. It’s still the weakest coffee of the lot, but after changing up the roast a bit I do think I enjoy this rendition.