



Dropbox is both used as a simple way for me to read and modify documents on my phone, as well as a generic transport for programs to read and write to. I suspect that without Dropbox any other automation would be much harder.


Heroku is where I host the tool receiving messages from Twilio. Hosting elsewhere is obviously possible but Heroku is free at my usage level and super simple.


Hugo is a simple and fast static-site generator that I use to provide the read-only browser-based view of these notes.

The following is a screenshot (with sensitive parts blurred) of my homepage, which uses tags on the notes to aggregate them in various sections.

XXX: link to source of homepage once public


For a few of the tools described later, I use my leatherman, which has various commands that are generally useful.


Twilio allows a basic but very useful SMS interface.


amygdala is a service I built to handle tasks from my phone. It is built to have SMS inputs and outputs, though can do a touch more.


This is the default action; if your statement matches nothing, a note is added to my dropbox with the inbox tag such that it end up on the homepage or viewable via :In.

inspire me

If I text inspire me to amygdala, the response will be a random line from my inspiration.

remind me

If I text remind me to <do whatever> at <some time> a reminder will be enqueued. Currently that triggers via pushover and wall(1), though I intend to add more in the future.


:Epost :Enw :Enh :Evim :Ein

These commands are automatically created by vim-projectionist; :Epost <post> allows you to quickly access a note by name. If the note doesn't already exist a basic but functional starter template is provided.

:Enw, :Enh, :Evim, and :Ein jump directly to the next-steps work note, the next-steops home note, the vim plugin, and the inbox note.


Populates the quickfix with any notes that have the passed tag.


Populates the quickfix with all the notes tagged inbox. Typically these notes are created via amygdala's todo.


Deletes the current note and moves to the next one in the quickfix; for use with :In.


Writes a markdown link for all new posts to the current buffer. Calls :Undefer to maintain a simpler interface. Uses load-rss.


:Undefer undefer's any deferred content to the current buffer. Uses run-undefer.


:FxTabs writes a markdown link for each tab to the current buffer. Can take arguments which will be passed to grep(1) in order to limit which tabs get put in the current buffer. Uses fx-tabs.


:Mail writes a markdown link (using email2json and one of my custom mimetypes) for each email in both of my email inboxes. Can take arguments which will be passed to grep(1) in order to limit which messages will get put in the current buffer. Uses dump-mail.

:Grab :Steal

Possibly a plugin itself, but Incubating here. Usage is currently: :Grab bufferRegex lineRegex

The above will copy any lines matching the lineRegex from any buffers matching bufferRegex to the current buffer. :Steal acts the same, but removes the original lines. Inspired by :t and :m, respectively.


Shortcut for clicking links in the current line. Prefers markdown links but will work with raw http or https links. Will find a link to the right of the cursor, but if it can't will try at the beginning of the line.


The tools here are mostly shell or perl scripts that are generally supporting the interfaces above.


$ bin/zine q -sql 'SELECT filename FROM _ WHERE tag == ?' inbox

--sql takes a single SQL query.

--formatter takes a string of perl code to evaluate, which will have a %r with each row inside of it.

Any leftover arguments are treated as parameters to bind in the SQL.


Add something like this to config.yaml to configure fields you care about:

    - deadline
    - rating

($facets_sql is a sql fragment of facets from the Configuration above.)

CREATE TABLE articles (
   filename $facets_sql

CREATE TABLE article_tag ( guid, tag );

CREATE VIEW _ ( guid, title, date, filename, tag $facets ) AS
SELECT a.guid, title, date, filename, tag
FROM articles a
JOIN article_tag at ON a.guid = at.guid;

XXX Add -h

I have blogged about this before and use it in at least three other projects. It is the foundation that allows most of the tools below.


My OSS CV is intended to be a list of all the OSS I've ever done that's worth mentioning. This tool uses git-hub to ensure that I don't have any repos (or whatever) that are not linked to.


This tool simply exits non-zero if it can find any posts that are private in the current corpus. Used in the public build to ensure nothing sensitive gets published.


Combination of email2json and jq to produce markdown links of all of my inbox. Used by :Mail.


Tool to fix newlines and trailing whitespace on all notes in the repository. Typically used after editing a file from the Dropbox mobile app.


Combination of dump-mozlz4 and jq to produce markdown links of all of my open firefox tabs. Used by :FxTabs.


Combination of rss and GNU parallel to fetch my various RSS feeds and write the new posts (as markdown links) on stdout. Used by :RSS.


Prints a list of notes that are lacking any of the canonical tags, namely:

  • project
  • reference
  • incubation
  • next-steps
  • meta
  • waiting
  • inbox


Builds a public view of the notes; namely, all articles containing a public tag and lacking a private tag.


Undefers any deferred notes; used by :Undefer, and thus :RSS.


Lists all files with a given tag. Used by :Tagged and thus :In.


Lists tags ordered by their frequency.

If you pass an argument, filter tags with the argument as a prefix.


Example workflow

  1. Have an idea
  2. Text it to my amygdala
  3. Run :In at some point
  4. Idea is in quickfix
  5. If it's brief, just do it, :Done
  6. If it's simple, add idea to apropriate contextual next-steps, :Done
  7. If it's complicated, start a project with a name, next-steps, reference, etc and add one of the next-steps to a contextual next-steps list, :Done
  8. Iterate on stuff in appropriate next-steps list