Machine learning

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Note: These notes were started in the middle of the class, so they are likely not of much use to others.

Evaluating a Hypothesis

Instead of using all data for training, split data into three parts:

  1. ~60% for training.
  2. ~20% for validation.
  3. ~20% for testing.

Use the training data to train your hypotheses, then use validation to select the winning hypothesis, then use testing the validate that the hypothesis.

If the cost of the training and the validation are both high (and basically equal,) you have high bias (underfit.)

If the cost of the training is low but the cost of the validation is significantly higher you have high variance (overfit.)

This can be seen if you plot the cost of the training data and the cost of the validation data against the degree of polynomial.

Regularization and Bias / Variance

Define the cost function to include the regularization parameter; leave it off for the cost for training, validation, and testing.

For various lambdas (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08 .. 10~) minimize the cost function with the training cost function. Select the minimized theta that has the lowest error on the unregularized cost function against the validation set.

Finally, apply the test cost function to see how well theta generalizes.

Learning Curves

Pick a subset of your training data starting at m=1 and going to the size of the training data. As m increases you will find that you can no longer fit each data point perfectly and that error will increase.

On the other hand, when starting with m=1 with the cross validation set, the lower the amount of data used the higher the error will be.

High Bias (aka underfit)

When plotting a learning curve in a high bias situation, you will find that fairly quickly your curve flattens out, since your curve is just poorly fit in general. Unlike in a more optimal situation, when the bias is high, the training and cross validation errors will end up being very close or the same.

Relatively high error.

If a learning algorithm is suffering from high bias, getting more training data won't really help.

High Variance (aka overfit)

When plotting a learning curve in a high variance situation, you will find that error is zero for training data, but high for cross validation data.

Large gap between training error and cross validation error.

If a learning algorithm is suffering from high variance, getting more training data is likely to help.

Debugging a Learning Algorithm

You have implemented a learning algorithm but it is found wanting. Here are some options and why you might use then:

  • Have high variance?

    • Get more training data
    • Try fewer features
    • Try increasing λ
  • Have high bias?

    • Get additional features
    • Try adding polynomial features
    • Try increasing λ
  • Small neural networks (few hidden layers, few nodes)

    • More prone to high bias
    • Computationally cheaper
  • Large neural networks (many hidden layers, many nodes)

    • More prone to high variance
    • Computationally expensive
    • Use regularization to handle overfit
    • For picking hidden layer count, use the normal train / cross validation checking

Getting Started on a Machine Learning implementation

  1. Implement the most basic version that could work, in 24 hours our less, to build out the tooling to test a cross validation set.

  2. Plot learning curves to decide if more data, more features, will help.

  3. Use Error Analysis to example the individual data points that the algorithm had high error and see if there are any systematic errors.

Critically, you need a way to get a number (3% error, for example) so that you can easily compare different varieties of your algorithm (like with or without stemming, case sensitive or case insensitive, etc.)

Error Analysis for Skewed Classes

You might think that you are a golden god because you have implemented an algorithm that gets the right answer for a gigantic data set of medical data, classifying cancer. Concretely it might be right 99% of the time. The bad news is that because the occurance of cancer in the data set is so low (%0.5) it's actually worse than assuming literally no one has cancer. Woops.

Guess: scale error by ratio? Maybe have error per class?


Cancerous Noncancerous
Predicted Cancerous true pos false pos
Predicted Noncancerous false neg true neg

Precision: Of all the patients where we guessed they have cancer, what fraction actually do? For example if when we decided "cancer" and were always correct, but missed half of the cancer patients, we'd have a 100% precision.

precision =
  true positives / predicted positives =
  true positives / (true positives + false positives)

Recall: Of all of the cancer patients, what fraction did we decide correctly? In the example above we'd have a 50% recall.

recall =
  true positives / actual positives =
  true positives / (true positives + false negatives)

Note that this is specifically set such that the rare class is the true case.

How to control the Precision/Recall Tradeoff

You can increase precision by increasing the requirement for y to be true. So normally you say y is true if the hypothesis is over 0.5; instead you might increaes the requirement so that the hypothesis has to be over 0.7. This will increase precision, but decrease recall.

F score to compare Precision/Recall values

2 * P * R / (P + R)

Does having "lots" of data help?

  1. Assume that we have enough feature data (ie if a human expert looked at the sample, they would be able confidently make a correct decision)

  2. Use a "low bias" algorithm via many parameters; like a neural network with many hidden layers or logistic/linear regression with many features.

  3. A large dataset is very unlikely to overfit.

Support Vector Machines

Basically, instead of the complicated function that logistic regression is based on, SVM uses three or four basic line segments, thus making it much easier to compute.

Logistic Regression Cost Function: cost function

SVM Cost Function: cost function

SVM Hypothesis: cost function

As a side effect of the cost function, SVM have large margins, picking boundaries that increase the "space" between samples.


Given x, compute new features depending on proximity to landmarks.

There are various kernels, the one defined in class is called the Gaussian kernel. They are all "similarity functions."

Each landmark maps to a feature.


Place a landmark at each training data location.

SVM Parameters

C = 1 / λ
  • C
    • Large C: Lower bias / High variance
    • Small C: Lower variance / High bias
  • Choice of kernel (similarity function)
    • No kernel (linear); for when n is large, m is small
    • Gaussian kernel; for when n is small, and/or m is large
      • Choose σ²
        • Large σ²: Features vary more smoothly, Higher bias, lower variance.
        • Small σ²: Features vary more abruptly, Higher variance, lower bias.
      • Must performe feature scaling before using Gaussian kernel.
    • You may need to implement the kernel function yourself.

Not all similarity functions are kernels.

Other kernels (much more rare:)

  • Polynomial
  • String
  • chi-squared
  • histogram
  • intersection

Multi-class Classification

Typically built in, otherwise implement one-vs-all classification.

Logistic Regression vs SVM

When there are many features (n) compared to the amount of samples (m), use logistic regression or SVM without a kernel. Like if n >= m, n = 10k, m = 10..1k.

When there are few features (1..1000) and an intermediate number of samples (10..10,000), use SVM with Gaussian kernel.

When there are few features (1..1000) and many samples (50,000+) create or add more features, then use logistic regression or SVM without a kernel, otherwise it will be too slow.

Neural network works well for all of the above, but is slower to train.

Principle Component Analysis

Always perform mean normalization, and probably perform feature scaling.

sigma = (1/m) * X' * X;
[U,S,V] = svd(sigma);
Ureduce = U(:,1:k);
z = Ureduce'*x;
  • PCA can be used to speed up Machine Learning
  • PCA cannot be used to avoid overfitting

Anomaly Detection Algorithm

  1. Choose feature x_i that you think might be indicative of anomalous examples.
  2. Fit parameters μ₁,...,μₙ,σ₁²,...,σₙ²
u_j = 1/m * sum of the examples of feature j
sigma_j = 1/m * sum of (x_j - u_j)^2
  1. Given new example x, compute p(x)

Algorithm Evaluation

Possible evaluation metrics:

  • True positive, false positive, true negative, false negative
  • Precision/Recall
  • F-1 Score

Use CV to choose ε.

Anomaly Detection vs Supervised Learning

Anomaly Detection:

  • Very small number of positive examples (0-20)
  • Large number of negative examples.
  • Many different "types" of anomalies.
  • Future anomalies may look nothing like any of the examples we've seen so far.
  • Examples
    • Fraud Detection
    • Manufacturing
    • Monitoring machines in a data center

Supervised Learning

  • Large number of positive and negative examples.
  • Examples
    • Spam Classification
    • Weather prediction
    • Cancer Classification

Non-gaussian features

  • Maybe use a transformation (like log(x), log(x+1), sqrt(x)) to make it normal
  • Plot histogram, play around

Error Analysis for Anomaly Detection

Want p(x) large for normal examples, small for anomalous examples.

Most common problem:

p(x) is comparable for normal and anomalous examples.

Monitoring computers in a data center

Choose features that might take on unusually large or small values in the event of an anomaly:

  • memory use
  • number of disc accesses/sec
  • cpu load
  • network traffic
  • if cpu load and network traffic are linked, maybe do cpu load / network traffic

Multivariate Gaussian distribution

Don't model probabilities separately, model p(x) all in one go.

Original vs Multivariate

Multivariate automatically captures correlations between features. m must be > n, or else the sum is non invertable.

For original you have to manually create features to capture anomalies where x and y take unusual combinations of values (like x3 = x1/x2.) Original is computationally cheaper. (works with n=10,000 or n=100,000, and when m is small)

Recommendation Systems

r(i,j) = 1 if user j has rated movie i

y(i,j) = rating by user j on movie i

θ(j) = parameter vector for user j

x(i) = feature vector for movie i

For user j, movie i, predicted rating: (θ(j)'(x(i)))

m(j) = no of movies rated by user j

Recommendation Systems Optimization Objective


Recommendation Systems Gradient Descent

gradient descent

Recommendation Systems Colaborative Filtering

Treat features as unknowns, but ask users for their personal feature ratings (aka θ(j).

Recommendation Systems Optimization Algorithm

optimization algorithm

optimization algorithm 2

Now estimate movie preferences, then improve human preferences, recursively.

Collaborative filtering algorithm

  1. Initialize x(1),...,x(n_m),θ(1),...,θ(n_u) to small random values.
  2. Minimize J(x(1),...,x(n_m),θ(1),...,θ(n_u)) using gradient descent (or something else); Eg. for collaborative filtering algorithm
  3. For a user with parameters θ and a movie with (learned) features x, predict a star rating of θ'x

Colaborative Filtering aka Low Rank Matrix Factorization

low rank

A small ||x(i) - x(j)|| implies similar movies

For users who have not rated any movies

Use mean normalization so that a "zero" users likes movies based on the average rating.

Large Scale Machine Learning

  • Use Learning Curves, plotting against m, to discover if adding data will help.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • Shuffle data set
  • Take steps based on each example, instead of all examples.
  • calculate cost before updating θ
    • Every 1000 interations, "plot" average cost, to inform user of convergence
  • To force convergence, decrease α each iteration

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent

  • Pick mini-batch size b (2-100 is typical.)
  • Perform gradient descent update using b examples.
  • This will outperform Stochastic GD if you have good vectorization.

Online Learning

  • Learn from one example at a time, and throw it away without retraining
  • Can adapt to changing user preference
  • Might use this to build a search engine, sorting by predicted CTR

Map Reduce

  • Basically do batch gradient descent, but divide up summing per machine