
Example Date Graph


set terminal png

set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%M"

set xlabel "Time"
set ylabel "Megs remaining"

set title "Backlog"
set key below
set grid

plot "./short.csv" using 1:2 title "megs"

A subset of the original short.csv follows:

1518801163	3574.50829
1518801174	3574.52045
1518801186	3572.37893
1518801197	3572.49771
1518801208	3572.72096
1518801220	3574.72910
1518801231	3574.94450
1518801243	3575.35381
1518801254	3575.91569
1518801266	3576.51369
1518801277	3577.17051
1518801289	3577.81990
1518801300	3578.39525
1518801312	3579.06250
1518801324	3579.74749
1518801340	3580.12999
1518801352	3580.42591
1518801364	3580.68124
1518801375	3580.75379
1518801420	3581.06895